Friday, August 24, 2007

@msg of a dream

   Ok,how many of u ever wondered, bout dreams, bout why they occur, and what they tell. Although there are lots of different speculations bout what dreams actually tell, but for me, dreams depict the real me. If anybody ever wants to know his true characteristics, his true nature, then dreams are the source. In our day-to-day experiences, we see a lot of things, we hear a lot of things, we learn a lot of things, and we change ourself accordingly. Sometimes, u portray false, which then becomes a habit and finally u are confused bout your real nature. It happens to all of us at some or other point of life. We find ourself in a dilemma as to whether we will be doing a particular act when in some particular situation. For example many times i think, will i stand for my friends, will i b there for my family, will i ever stop being ignorant, will i be this, will i b that blah blah blah!!! Coz these are questions which u can find answers to, only after u have been through such a situation!!! Otherwise the mind, just keeps giving clever,manipulated,politically correct answers!! So how do you find the real you, may b this the picture, where dreams enter in!! Since u can not manipulate a dream, thus they are bound to be true portrayal of urself to urself!!! If ever u dream, that u are crying on loosing a special friend, then u probably will, no matter how much emotionally strong u feel from inside, if ever u dream that u betrayed a friend for some mean purpose, then some day u wont think twice while doing the same, no matter how good a friend u r. For example, last night i remember a dream where i slapped my lil' sis' repeatedly for not telling who destroyed my laptop. Infact this dream was the sole inspiration for writing this post!! I was asking her a serious question, and she kept laughing without answering the question!! Now, this tells me, what i tend to do instinctively, if i really fall for such a situation, but my conscious tells me that i wont do any such stupidity, coz i love her the most in this world, nobody.. literally nobody.. ever has meant so much to me as her!!! Neways, leave that, all in all, i just want to say that dreams depict ur instincts!! You might act differently owing to ur conscious!! May b, we can learn what things to change in us, by analyzing our dreams!!! May be this is the sole purpose of our dreams!! Who knows!!!

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