Wednesday, June 6, 2007

@orkut's feeds system...

It has eaten whole of my day and m still working on it, on how to use it effectively, and till now the only two things i have been able to use are the picasa and the blogger feeds. I am talking about the new "Edit feeds" feature by orkut. I just started to store all my favorite pics using picasa at Google's server. Showed them to some of my friends i met on Gtalk. Its really easy. U just need to give it some time, the time which otherwise also is being wasted anyway. Its been long back since i removed all my pics from the orkut album, coz i was so frustrated by the 12 photos' limit that orkut has put. But now the same orkut has come up with yet another innovative feature, which makes it easy to see all ur fav things right through orkut. Be it news items, be it photos, be it blogs or anything else, you can now use the RSS feeds to see them all through orkut. No need to say that Google is working really hard and innovatively to integrate all its services.
I shall keep scratching my head for some time now to look out for some innovative use of this innovative feature by Orkut.

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