Friday, June 20, 2008

@The Smile Effect!!

To most, I know my constant smiling face brings the impression that I am an immature kid! Anyways, I dont mind that now! (though i used to be very frustrated by that initially). This post is not about why my friends percieve me as an immature person, this is about a google dollar worth of an experience. Here it goes....

It happened on the 3rd Tuesday of June of Summer of 2008. Me in Hyderabad, pursuing my summer training at ITC PSPD. When not in office, I am generally in my room at the ITC guest house where my accommodation was arranged. People here (read other residents of the guest house) are so bore and none of them my age. So I have got no friends here to hang out with and so I mostly rot in the room only. Neways, leave that! Oh! I haven’t really started about the experience yet.

Ok-ok! Here it goes. The other day I decided to call an old friend Jitesh. He was with me 5 yrs back in school. I had met him last approximately 2 years ago, and though we have been chatting a few times, I haven’t seen or heard him since past 2 years. So that day I called him. Though I had planned to fool him by manipulating my voice into a tough one, but that could not really happen because it was his father who picked up the phone and so I had to tell him that I was a friend of Jitesh. But I did not tell him my name, so he called jitesh and told him that his friend was on phone for him. Here is the conversation that followed before he recognized who he was talking to :

Jitesh : Hello!

Me: Hello!

Jitesh: Hello!

Me: Hello Jitesh bol raha hai!? (trying to recognize the voice)

Jitesh: Haan bol raha hun!

Me: Toh bol! (still trying to recognize if it is actually his voice only)

Jitesh: kya!

Me: Toh booolll! (still not confident if it is jitesh only but smiling now)

Jitesh: ahemm ANUdeep!!

:O :O :O!! I said ‘Phoda hai’! This was amazingly amazing! 2 years! It had been 2 years since we had last heard/seen each other. And while I was still struggling to recognize his voice, he had already recognized me. Absolutely amazing! I asked him how he did that!? He replied “Kutte tu hasta he rahega zindagi bhar, I can still picturize you in my mind, smiling and talking to me right now?” And we talked for about 15 more minutes. He remembered so much about how we used to have fun! It was such a joy talking to him after such a long gap. He remembered all the one liners, one words we used to make fun with and he remembered so much more than me!! But him recognizing me made me recall another such incidence.

It had happened about 7 months back when I called another friend of mine after a long time who again immediately recognized me. When I asked him how he did that he also said “sale tera hasna kabhi band nahi hoga, abhi bhi terese baat karte hue I can imagine how you must be smiling right now”

Lately I had been thinking of adopting a more serious visage, but after talking to Jitesh and remembering the chat with the other old friend, I was just wondering that if my glorious smiling face can make my friends remember me as ever smiling, then be it, even if at the cost of being perceived as immature!
What say people!!!